VisionPAC is a non-partisan political action committee (PAC) that supports federally elected officials in Washington, DC who have a proven track record of championing The Vision Council’s agenda for vision care access, products and business interests. Funds from eligible members of The Vision Council and member company employees fund the PAC, which in turn support our priorities on Capitol Hill. 

Why Do We Need a PAC?

PACs are a necessary part of doing business in Washington. Without VisionPAC, we would not have the tools necessary to support elected officials who back the interests of the vision community and our members. VisionPAC allows members to have a united and known voice with lawmakers. 

It is far more effective to utilize PACs over personal donations as they better convey your issues in a timely and effective manner. Through VisionPAC we can speak with one voice and have more impact than acting alone.  

VisionPAC only supports elected officials in Washington, DC who are champions of our issues and though some do not need our help getting re-elected, many do. The cost of running campaigns dictates everyone needs to help candidates run for office. Therefore, we must support candidates to help them get reelected and keep fighting for our issues in Congress.

Why Can't You Just Use My Dues? Why Do You Have to Use and Ask for Personal Money? 

Your dues and corporate donations do help us with our vision care agenda in other ways such as helping comply with the FEC, but legally cannot be used for VisionPAC or donations to federal candidates.  

Why Do You Only Ask Members for Money? 

The FEC limits who VisionPAC can solicit, to what is known as the “solicitable class.” The solicitable class includes the executive/administrative personnel and stockholders of member corporations who have given VisionPAC prior approval to be solicited. It is your choice, however, to donate to the PAC and not a mandatory part of membership.

Why Are My Contributions Not Tax-Deductible?

Under the IRS rules, contributions to VisionPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.

How much can I contribute to the PAC?

Individuals can contribute up to $5,000 per year to the PAC. 

Contributions to the PAC are strictly voluntary, and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution level is merely a suggestion. You are free to contribute more or less than suggested. You will not benefit or be disadvantaged in your employment or membership by reason of the amount you contribute or a decision not to contribute.

Who sees how much I give to the PAC?

Federal law requires the PAC to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose aggregate contribution exceeds $200 in a calendar year. This information is publicly available on the FEC’s website,

How much money can VisionPAC contribute to federal candidates?

Federal election laws allow VisionPAC to contribute $5,000 to a candidate per election in an election cycle – with the primary, runoff and general elections counting as separate elections. In comparison, individuals can give no more than $3,300 to a candidate per election.

How are candidates that receive PAC contributions decided?

VisionPAC aims to ensure contributions are put to the most effective use for members and their interests, therefore several criteria are considered before supporting a candidate. These include:

  • The candidates’ history in office; if they’re an incumbent or seeking office
  • Voting record on issues important to our members
  • The candidates’ positions on key committees which have jurisdiction over vital issues for VisionPAC’s mission

VisionPAC is bipartisan and will work with policymakers on both sides of the political aisle. Support is not determined by political party affiliation.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Omar Elkhatib, Senior Government Relations Manager, at

Download these FAQs as a pdf.

Contributions to VISION COUNCIL OF AMERICA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (“VisionPAC”) will be used to support federal and state officeholders and candidates, political parties, and other political committees. Contributions to the PAC are strictly voluntary, and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution level is merely a suggestion. You are free to contribute more or less than suggested. You will not benefit or be disadvantaged in your employment by reason of the amount you contribute or a decision not to contribute. Federal law requires the PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of persons whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Contributions are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. You must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the U.S. in order to contribute.